Thursday, January 20, 2011

Mass (A) Gain...again

When we last left I was happily planning on switching to Mike's Gym workouts to focus more on oly lifting.  Wrong.  I tried to use the program as a base and add too much into it.  Needless to say, my recovery this week has been shitty and I'm left feeling unmotivated and bitter.  New plan.  I had great results following the Mass (A) Gain program for 10 weeks even while missing pretty much all of my snatch sessions, most of my front squat sessions, and most of my Saturday workouts (oly accessory lifts).  I feel like if I buckle down and hit every workout as planned then my oly lifts should improve as well.  I am tweaking the program just a tad, however, because the volume was a tad too high last time (w/ added MetCon's).

Here's the plan:

Back Squat - 5x3
Clean & Jerk - heavy single
MetCon (preferably something with push press in it)

Tuesday AM
Power Snatch - 3x2
Power Clean & Jerk - 3x2
Accessory oly work (snatch balance, rack jerk, etc)

Tuesday PM
Weighted Chin-Ups - 5x3
MetCon (<15min)
Skill Work

Deadlift - 3x3
Press - 5x5
MetCon (preferably something w/pull-ups or muscle-ups)

Rest and/or active recovery (skill work and foam rolling/mobility)

Front Squat - 5x3
Snatch - heavy singles
MetCon (preferably something with bench/ring dips/hspu, or another press exercise)

2 position snatch - 4 sets
2 position C&J - 4 sets
Push Jerk + Split Jerk - 4 sets

Rest or recovery (foam rolling/mobility)

As for today, my back tightened up on my right side last night.  It's not terrible, but I figured I might as well rest today and see how I feel Friday.  I might just do some regular WOD's Friday/Saturday and start my new-old program on Monday.  Happy lifting!

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