Monday, February 7, 2011

Squat and Throw...and Duck

Ah, motivation.  It's the one thing you can't buy...not really.  You can pay a personal trainer to help keep you "motivated" and on track, but at the end of the day it has to come from within.  Well folks, today was most certainly not my day.

If I had to pinpoint my issue to one thing I would probably blame my weekend diet.  An entire pizza, cake, alcohol, cookies, chips...none of it is conducive to energy levels or decent sleep...both of which I was lacking today.

Enough whining...

Mobility work for adductors

Back Squats

Clean & Jerks

Squats felt REALLY good this week and I had very little trouble keeping my knees out (which was an issue the last time I was at this weight).  C&J were rushed due to conditioning.  I had to stretch out/roll my glutes because my lower back was giving a bit of grief...I def. could have gone heavier on the C&J...175 is starting to feel easy.

So now we arrive at the part of my workout that was devoid of any motivation, effort, or energy.  The WOD today was Karen (150 wall ball for time).  I sincerely hate wall ball....with a passion.  Ask anyone what I constantly bitch about and it's wall ball...and ab work.  I wasn't particularly thrilled to do the workout after squatting, but decided to give it a go nonetheless....

150 Wall Ball, 20lb @ 10ft target
8min 53sec (~ 1 min PR)

Yay, PR...lame (I should have been sub-7).  To give you some sort of idea of where I'm coming from, I wasn't even breathing heavy at the end of the workout.  I took a lot of breaks, for longer than was necessary and was constantly only stringing 3-5 wall ball shots at a time...pathetic.  Why am I being so hard on myself?  So that it doesn't happen again.  You may be sick of reading about all my whining (I know Paul is...if he's read this far), but I need it so that it doesn't reoccur.  My diets back to normal now and I don't foresee another chance to blow it to hell for awhile (Birthday dinner on the 19th...eesh).

Anyway, rainbows and butterflies and happy things.  I don't want you to leave my blog depressed.  Tomorrow Gabe and I are doing max muscle-ups in 10 goal is 50 and I'm going to push hard to hit it, so stay tuned.

Ultimate Conditioning - Monday 2/7/2011

Deadlifts 5-5-5

6 Burpees w/ lateral hop over hurdle
12 KB Swings (52/35)
18 Squats

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