Thursday, February 10, 2011

I Hate Spiders

After seeing what today's WOD was going to be I decided to ditch my much needed rest day.  The workout appeared a week ago on the CF Mainpage and recently on CF New England's site as well (possibly the same day).  I had no idea what time would be considered good, I just wanted to push myself and see what I could do.

Dave led today, as he usually does on Thursday, and the focus was on muscle-ups.  He suggested I work on strict false grip MUs instead of adding weight to my kipping ones.  He knows more than Paul Potorti...and me.  I did a few strict MU, but my main focus was on mobility and warming-up.

I did:
mobility band and ball work
2x25 GHD Sit-Ups
Squat Thrusters 65x5, 95x5, 135x1 - just to feel out the weight
I also practiced weighted pull-ups with various methods (vest, dumbbell, weight plates, kettlebell)

"Tarantula" (as it's called by CF New England)
15 Squat Thrusters, 135lb
15 Weighted Pull-Ups, w/35lb
21 Squat Thrusters, 95lb
21 Weighted Pull-Ups, 2/20lb
36 Squat Thrusters, 65lb
36 Pull-Ups

The fastest time on the board prior to "3,2,1...GO" was around 14 minutes.  My only goal was to go sub-14 and push as hard as I could. 

The rounds went (to the best of my memory) like this:

[Paul Potorti inspired play-by-play]
15 Thrusters @ 135lb - managed to get all 15 in a row, although the last 2 were a struggle
15 W. Pullups @ 35lb - I used a belt with weight plates for this.  The challenge was that too much kipping motion would make the plates swing too much.  I had to abandon my kip and did all of these pretty strict.  I believe broken into a set of 10 and 5.

21 Thrusters @ 95lb - My game plan was to hit 3 sets of 7 reps and move on.  I did 7, 8, and 6 instead. 
21 W. Pull-Ups @ 20lb - Used a weight vest for this.  One of the 1lb weights fell out of the vest when I put it on so I quickly put it in my pocket and jumped on the bar.  I did 11 Pull-Ups and then 2 quick sets of 5...butterfly kip, since it was doable.

36 Thrusters @ 65lb - My goal was 3 sets of 12 reps.  I manged 12 in a row on the first set, but then broke the following sets into 8.
36 Pull-Ups - I jumped on the bar as soon as I could breathe.  I managed 12 Pull-Ups before dropping and then jumped up and did another 10.  The last 14 were broken a bit since my arms were not cooperating.

Overall time for the WOD was 10min 10sec

Overall, this workout was actually pretty fun.  I still hate spiders.  Only slightly less than Paul Potorti.

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