Thursday, July 7, 2011

Chrondro whaaaaaaaaat

I went to my ortho dude on Tuesday this week to have him check out my knee. As of late (read: past 2-3 months) I have this sensation of pressure coming up out of squats...on anything related to squatting. The Ortho told me he thinks it is Patellofemoral Chrondromalacia (which is essentially a scratch on the underside of my kneecap). This makes anything that requires a deep knee bend, including walking down or up stairs, a challenge as there is usually pain. Step 1 is drugs. Lots of drugs. I also need to improve the muscle balance of my legs to allow proper tracking of my patella....which could mean isolation shit mixed in with my normal WODing.

I did manage to do the following workout today, with minimal discomfort (and only on the very first round of 21 squats)

Bodyweight Back Squats (a fat 175lb)
Power Cleans, 155lb
Double Unders (100/75/50 by round)


I just couldn’t get my double unders going today and had to break the cleans up as doubles and occasionally singles.


I ate way too much crap this past weekend. The highlight of the weekend, however, was the 5lb burrito I ate at Bandidos. I have never wanted to die from the over-consumption of food as much as I did when trying to eat the whole damn thing....and I the whole thing, that is. The first half was delicious...the second half tasted like salt...and sour cream.

Tiny arm....or big ass burrito!

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